Thursday November 12th, 2020 celr_admin

Work meeting of the EMOTUR project

12 Nov 2020

Working meeting of the #EMOTUR project (ECO2017-82842-R “Understanding the relationship between image and emotions. Communication of tourist experiences in the multimedia environment.” and ProID2017010116 “Communication of tourist experiences in the multimedia environment. An analysis of the relationship between image and emotions”) in which lecturers Arminda Almeida Santana, Patricia Picazo Peral y Tatiana David Negre presented different advances in the field of analysis of emotions and facial expressions, eye tracking and VR-RA (Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality).

In this multidisciplinary project, the expert areas of marketing, psychology, business organisation, applied economics, information systems and telecommunications are combined with a common goal: a better understanding and analysis of tourists and the behaviour of tourists.

With the participation of the members of the different participating universities (University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria ULPGC, University of La Laguna (ULL), University of Valencia – UV, University of Jaén and UNED – National University of Distance Learning). Alberto Ramos Monagas, Arminda Almeida, Daniel Celis Sosa, Enrique Bigne, Eduardo Parra, Enrique García Fernández-Abascal, Inmaculada Galván Sánchez, Jacques Bulchand Gidumal, Javier Osorio Acosta, Juan Ignacio Pulido, Julia Nieves Rodriguez, Lucía Melian Alzola, Luis Domínguez Quintana, Luisa Andreu, Margarita Fernández Monroy, Patricia Picazo Peral, Sergio Moreno Gil y Tatiana David Negre.