Wednesday June 23rd, 2021 emotur admin

Complete the Final Degree Project at EMOTUR

23 Jun 2021

The #neuroscience student Carmen Kraaijkamp from the @Maastrichtuniversity traveled to Gran Canaria to do her Final Degree Project in the EMOTUR laboratory of the @ulpgc_para_ti in the area of ​​#neuromarketing.

Over 4 months, the student carried out an experiment in the field of climate change, specifically on what type of images and factors generate a greater emotional impact on tourists.

With the use of #neuromarketing techniques such as Tobii Pro Lab, Eye Tracking and FaceReader, the emotional difference between men and women is reaffirmed, the latter having a greater emotional impact.

On the other hand, the relationship between the experimental subject and the content of the image has proven to be of great importance, since depending on the subject (nationality, culture and age), a certain type of image affects more than another.

Finally, the importance of the clarity of the message delivered and of avoiding confusion in the intention of the message was discovered. The experiment was effective and resulted in clear data to be published in the near future.