Friday February 9th, 2024 emotur admin

Inauguration of the Emotur lab

09 Feb 2024

The inauguration of the new neurotourism laboratory “EmoturLab” of the ULPGC is the culmination of four years of work combining the varied efforts of different research projects and a multitude of people from the whole team to reach its inauguration. This laboratory marks a significant milestone in our university by merging innovation in neuroscience with the main sector of the Canary Islands: tourism, opening new perspectives to understand and improve the tourist experience.

This coming 16th of February from 10:00 to 12:00 hours the inauguration of the Emotur Laboratory will take place, where you will be able to see the new immersive room of Emofood, and there will be different stations such as the observation station, workpshop statation, brain station, emotion station and metaverse station.

The Lab is a space that opens the way for research through neuromarketing techniques, which allow the analysis of human behaviour, as they seamlessly integrate and synchronise multiple biometric sensors that provide different human knowledge, such as eye-tracking, electro-thermal activity or galvanic skin response (GSR), electroencephalogram (EEG) and facial expression analysis (Face-coding).

Don’t miss our inauguration with a schedule adapted for the most curious people:


Date: 16 February 2024

Time: 10:00 (until 12:00)

Place: Sala de Grados del Módulo C de la Facultad de Economía, Empresa y Turismo de la ULPGC, Campus Universitario de Tafira


10:00 Institutional Opening Ceremony.  

Venue: Module C of the Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism of the ULPGC.

10:30 Presentation of the EMOTUR laboratory, Emofood immersive gastronomic room and practical demonstrations (holo lens, VR glasses, face reader, eye tracking). 

Venue: Module E, Old Business Building, Tafira University Campus.

12:00 Cocktail.

Place: Laboratory esplanade.


We are waiting for you!