Tuesday October 27th, 2020 celr_admin

Understanding the relationship between image and emotions. Communication of tourist experiences in the multimedia environment.

27 Oct 2020

Call: R&D&I projects corresponding to the State Research, Development and Innovation Programme aimed at the challenges of society, within the framework of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research.
Reference: ECO2017-82842-R
Applicant entity: University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Title: Understanding the relationship between image and emotions. Communication of tourist experiences in the multimedia environment
Duration in years: 4. 2018-2021
Principal investigator: Sergio Moreno Gil
Team members:
• Antonio González Hernández. ULPGC
• Arminda Almeida Santana. ULPGC
• Daniel Celis Sosa. ULPGC
• Enrique García Fernández-Abascal. UNED
• Jacques Bulchand Gidumal. ULPGC
• Javier de Leon Ledesma. ULPGC
• Julia Nieves Rodríguez. ULPGC
• Luis Domínguez Quintana. ULPGC
• Margarita Fernández Monroy. ULPGC
• María Luisa Andreu Simó. U. Valencia
• Patricia Picazo Peral. ULPGC
• Sergio Moreno Gil. ULPGC
• Tatiana David Negre. ULPGC

The project, oriented to the challenge of Economy and digital society, is framed within the guidelines of the Horizon 2020 Spanish Tourism Plan, and faces the problem of efficiency in communication, where an increasing use of multimedia elements is made, without knowing the impact on the emotions of individuals and their effectiveness. Thus, it uses the new technological possibilities, using facial emotion recognition software to analyse the impact that multimedia communication (videos, photographs) produces on the emotions of individuals, based on the different types of projected images.

This project is a continuation of the -ECO2012-35112- of economic assessment of the image of destinations and its evolution, which allowed evaluating the impact of promotional actions, and represents an advance in the methods used up to now, since the magnitude of the impact of multimedia communication on emotions is scarcely known, and even less so on how these affect the formation of the perceived image, and on its evaluation of the experience and its future behaviour in the digital economy.

The practical application of the study to the tourism sector aims to improve the use of technological applications in the same, incorporating improvements to existing software, and being useful to public tourism promotion agencies, tourism companies, and later to other companies and institutions in general, helping them improve their promotional strategies.