Tuesday October 27th, 2020 celr_admin

Communication of tourist experiences in the multimedia environment. An analysis of the relationship between image and emotions

27 Oct 2020

Call: Subsidies for carrying out R&D projects by research organisations and companies in the priority areas of the Smart Specialisation Strategy of the Canary Islands (María del Carmen Betancourt and Molina Research Support Programme). Co-financing by the Canary Islands FEDER Operational Programme 2014-2020
Reference: ProID2017010116
Title: Communication of tourist experiences in the multimedia environment. An analysis of the relationship between image and emotions.
Entity: University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Period: 2018-2020
Principal investigator: Sergio Moreno Gil
Team members:
• Antonio González Hernández. ULPGC
• Arminda Almeida Santana. ULPGC
• Daniel Celis Sosa. ULPGC
• Eduardo Parra López. ULL
• Enrique García Fernández-Abascal. UNED
• Francisco López Del Pino. ULPGC
• Inmaculada Galván Sánchez. ULPGC
• Javier de León Ledesma. ULPGC
• Javier Osorio Acosta. ULPGC
• Jesús Miguel Torres Jorge. ULL
• Jose Enrique Bigne Alcañiz. U de Valencia
• Juan Ignacio Pulido Fernández. U de Jaén.
• Julia Nieves Rodríguez. ULPGC
• Lucía Melián Alzola. ULPGC
• Luis Domínguez Quintana. ULPGC
• Margarita Fernández Monroy. ULPGC
• Patricia Picazo Peral. ULPGC
• Rosa María Aguilar Chinea. ULL
• Sergio Moreno Gil. ULPGC
• Tatiana David Negre. ULPGC
• Yem Lam González. ULPGC

The general objective of this project is to cover an important gap in literature: the impact of the projected image, specifically the multimedia image, on the emotions of individuals, as well as the impact of these emotions on the perceived image and behaviour of individuals (purchase decision, loyalty, etc.). The impact will be analysed based on the different categorisations of projected images (people, activity, location), different experiential and contextual situations, different types of perceived image (global, affective and cognitive), different emotions (simple and complex) and for different segments.
The applications of the study will be carried out in a sector of vital importance for the world economy, Spain and especially the Canary Islands (tourism), in a specific area that represents by far the largest public and private investment: tourism promotion for image enhancement. In addition to the intelligent leadership of tourism, the project links technology and the improvement of the Digital Agenda, with analysis and development of software for potential subsequent application.

The final result of the project, beyond the progress in literature through research problems that have not been resolved and that are proposed with a novel approach, lies in a direct impact on the improvement of the tourism promotion carried out and its effectiveness, with a return on the investment made in the project through the application of its results.