Thursday June 27th, 2024 Idairar Bargo

La ULPGC ha anunciado la incorporación de un nuevo título propio: Técnico Superior en Ciencias Gastronómicas.

The ULPGC has announced the incorporation of a new degree of its own: Higher Technician in Gastronomic Sciences. This program, which has a duration of two years, will begin to be taught next October and will be under the direction of Professor Anastasio Argüello.

📍Aimed mainly at higher graduates of Vocational Training, especially in the Hospitality branch, as well as university graduates, the program is characterized by its innovative and multidisciplinary approach.
To complement their training, students will carry out internships in the Emofood immersive sensory room, within the Emotur laboratory, which belongs to the TiDES Institute of Tourism and Sustainable Economic Development (Instituto de Turismo y Desarrollo Económico Sostenible).

All this will be carried out by a teaching team made up of about 50 professors, most of them PhDs, as well as researchers and leading professionals in this discipline.

This degree of the ULPGC, which could be the embryo of the future degree in Gastronomic Sciences, starts with a minimum offer of 50 places -75 maximum-, and with the aim of training professionals with the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to address the gastronomic phenomena from a scientific, technological, social, cultural and business management perspective; innovate, design and manage haute cuisine services, commercial and collective catering; and participate and develop projects in gastronomic sciences, focusing on the Canary Islands and its tricontinentality.